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'Radio as usual’? Digital technologies and radio in Conflict-Affected Burkina Faso
Reaching hard-to-reach communities: using WhatsApp to give conflict-affected audiences a voice
Radio as an empowering environment: how does radio broadcasting in Mali represent women's "web of relations"?
How can participatory research methods strengthen collaboration between radio, audiences, and researchers: the case of Studio Kalangou.
Assessment of Studio Kalangou's Impact on Women's Rights and Empowerment in Niger - September 2019
Edited by Kateira Aryaeinejad, Alastair Reed, Emma Heywood, Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob 12 May 2023
The significance of ‘loud’ and ‘quiet’ forms of audience participation to community radio in Niger and Mali
"If you've done a good job, it's as if you've never existed": Translators on translation in development projects in Sahel
The contribution of citizen views to understanding women’s empowerment as a process of change: the case of Niger
French version of the assessment of Studio Kalangou's Impact on Women's Rights and Empowerment in Niger - September 2019
La radio et le défi de la mobilisation contre la COVID-19 : exemple des personnes déplacées internes à Kaya, Pissila et Kongoussi au Burkina Faso
The “Contrôleuse”: recognising the role of the “Fixer” in academic and media NGO development partnerships
Radio journalism and Women's empowerment in Niger
Introducing the scope and design of the project